
Understanding the unique strengths of being neurodivergent is essential to leveraging them. Whether you are a neurodivergent adult or the mentor of a neurodivergent individual (e.g. supervisor, parent), self-awareness is the first step to improving self-sufficiency and effective communication. My expertise in neurodiverse characteristics as well as my experience with coaching families and individuals through career and educational milestones allows me to help you build a roadmap to success!

Free consult
The backside of a person in an all black sweatsuit  walking down a highway road on the dotted yellow line with rock formations in the background

Exploration and Outcomes

For individuals:

  • Identify the unique strengths and challenges of being neurodivergent and areas of impact.
  • Develop strategies to address common workplace/academic challenges, such as sensory sensitivities and social/communication difficulties.
  • What strategies can I use to address common workplace challenges, such as sensory sensitivities, communication difficulties, or social interactions?
  • Create routines and healthy coping strategies that help you manage stress and anxiety related to work and/or academics.

For Parents/Guardians:

  • Gain strategies for communication that improves self-advocacy and productive conflict
  • Identify goals and boundaries that will help your child build independent skills and avoid learned helplessness
  • Understand how language you use impacts outcomes
  • Develop self-awareness around your emotional triggers and build at-home routines that align with your values